Another lawsuit, another country – Lembergers vs Scientology


Dani & Tami Lemberger

Hot on the heels of the announcement of the Corbett’s lawsuit against the church in South Africa, yet another lawsuit has been lodged  – this time in Israel.

Dani & Tami Lemberger – Scientologists since 1980 and owners of the Dror Mission in Haifa made history in 2012 by being the first Mission who, along with their  entire staff, declared independence from the church. Both of them were declared in June 2012.

In addition to the lawsuit just lodged here in South Africa (and more to follow), there are 24 lawsuits against Narconon, the famous Rathbun vs Scientology case and a host of others in progress in the USA. And now Israel has joined in the fray.

One church stat that is definitely straight up & vertical is “number of lawsuits filed against the church”.  We predict a very interesting year ahead as this all unfolds.

On with the the Lamberger suit – an article was published on the Free to do Scientology blog today which we have printed in full below:

The leading Israeli newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, published an article today reporting that yesterday, November 2, 2014, a lawsuit was filed against the Church of Scientology. The lawsuit, made by Tami and Dani Lemberger, was filed in the Tel Aviv District Court. They argue that the church declared them Suppressive Persons in June 2012 and then went on to harass them, to publish libel against them and used confidential information from their personal folders in order to destroy their livelihood. The total amount they demand in damages is 3 Million Shekels, about $820,000.

Here is a copy of the article in Hebrew which appeared today. Below it please find the translation into English.



Tel Aviv, Israel

Yediot Aharonot, 3 November 2014

A Couple from Haifa is Suing the Scientology Organization In the amount of 3 Million Shekels

By: Lital Dobrovitsky

A lawsuit in the amount of 3 million Shekels was filed yesterday by a couple from Haifa against the International Center of Scientology and the Center of Scientology in Israel. The couple, who claims they were members of the Church of Scientology for 32 years, allege that they were slandered and libeled by the organization’s management, which caused damage to them and to the self improvement center that they manage in Israel.

The couple, Dani and Tamar Lemberger, claim that until the end of June 2012, they were members of the Church of Scientology, and even progressed markedly on their own “self improvement” process according to Scientology doctrine, to what is considered the next to highest grade in this process.

As part of this process, they had many sessions of the technique of “auditing”, from the word audio – to listen, which is conducted in privacy between the guide and the person receiving the auditing, under a commitment for total secrecy. The couple alleges that this promise of confidentiality was breached in their case.

The lawsuit states that in late 1991, after a long stay in the United States, the couple returned to Israel and opened a private center for the delivery of Scientology consulting services, which operated until June 2012 under license of the Church of Scientology.

They claim that they expanded the center and frequently received commendations for their achievements from the organization’s management in Israel and worldwide.

According to the lawsuit, all changed in March 2012, when Dani Lemberger sent a letter to the chairman of the Church of Scientology, in which he expressed his concern that the church is not operating correctly to achieve its goals, that it focuses on fundraising of huge sums for wrong purposes, and that it does not build local leadership.

According to the plaintiffs, a few months later, in June 2012, they were sent a letter which declared them, “Suppressive Persons,”. This, says the lawsuit, “means, in Scientology terminology, that they are antisocial personalities and that they are unworthy of remaining members of the Church of Scientology”.

Immediately following this, they claim, the organization’s management, in Israel and the world over, embarked upon a punitive and smear campaign against them, while using confidential information from their personal files and from the auditing sessions they received. As a result, they claim, tens of their customers left the self improvement center they manage.

The plaintiffs clarify in the lawsuit that they are no longer willing to be identified with the Church of Scientology, and that their center also announces that it is not connected to Scientology.

The plaintiffs are represented by Adv. Yoram Aviram. The defendants’ statement of defense has not yet been issued.

The Center of Scientology Israel has responded as follows: “No lawsuit has yet been presented to us. If and when we receive such, our legal representatives will study it, and we will submit a response accordingly. On the surface, it looks like false claims are made, aimed at nothing but damaging our good reputation and extorting money unlawfully”.

44 thoughts on “Another lawsuit, another country – Lembergers vs Scientology

  1. There is marked trend where Scientology Inc which previously attacked external sources~~ Media, press, journalists, government agencies, etc now turned inward to attack its own. More and more the attack vector is towards long term veterans both staff and public.
    On a smear page “Fair Game” (hate page) created by office of Special Affairs they allege that Dani Lemberger was a
    ::::::::::drum roll:::::::::::

    Drug Dealer for a a Drug Cartel !
    A loyal 30 year Mission holder, OT VII was actually a cartel drug dealer !
    It is beyond belief.

    • Karen, You are inspiring and a major force in our evolving movement. Your courage and sacrifice has been a model to many! I do not recall seeing this page about us. Could you please send me a link to it. Thanks, luv ya, Dani

      • Thank you for your kind words Dani.
        I will write to you privately 🙂
        מזל טובוחמישיות

  2. Per tech and policy, “SPs” no longer have rights and are “no longer protected by the codes” of Scientology. This includes the Auditors Code.
    According to a student on the first Class VIII course and Clear number 8, Alan Walter, use of supposedly confidential material, to intimidate, manipulate, and smear, has occurred since at least 1959.
    The issuing of search warrants, in 1977, by the USA FBI, and the resultant searches, at Scientology locations in Los Angeles and Washington, DC, revealed pre-written forms for use specifically in “folder culling.”
    It’s a very good thing that this extreme violation of trust is once again being brought to the attention of the public.
    Best wishes to the Lembergers. May they – and truth and justice – prevail.

  3. “Three things cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
    The world is becoming more and more transparent. More and more People are standing tall, confronting evil men and evil organizations. Dictators are being exposed much quicker now, losing their past communication ability to dis-inform thanks to the Internet.
    And boy, do they find it more and more difficult to hide.
    It is incredible to discover every day, more and more abuses and cases of extreme injustice by the CoS. People, once scared to silence, come now out of the shadows. And speak freely. And tell!
    And won’t be silenced any more. And they sue!!!
    And if this case was to be ruled by a wise judge of olden times, it would have been easy. Piece of cake!! Just looking at the picture of these 2 happy and truthful, straight looking and smiling plaintiffs, and comparing it to the picture of the 3 top CoS (defendant) zombie executives, roaming LA airport recently, abusing everyone involved including themselves….Easy ruling.
    Time for JUSTICE.
    Good luck!!!

    • Hemi, your help, support and wisdom is highly appreciated. We could not have done this without your friendship and our many other good friends in Israel and world-wide. Love, Dani

  4. Well done Tami and Dani, that is really good news. We will be on standby to give you any assistance that we can. The Church has the idea that we are all toothless, they are in for such a surprise! The church has been covertly practicing ” fair game ” on us for the last year in the hope that they will cower us into inaction, their little antics that they are playing at with several of their cool aid antics are quite pathetic but no doubt they will keep going until we gather the evidence we need and then we will hit them so hard they won’t know what happened. I am sure they will be reading this and laughing but they will soon be sorry about how stupid they have been.
    In the meantime we are flourishing and prospering unlike the church which is shrinking and struggling with NOBODY being audited and nobody winning.
    If you need to contact us please do so through this blog. A private chat would be great.
    Good luck,
    Ernest and Gaye

    • Awesome, Earnest and Gaye!!!

      Keep up the great work!

      If there is anything at all I can do to help you, please let me know.

      I worked for free for the Church for 7.5 years, and I will continue to work for free so that others may never be harmed by them again. Web work, copy writing, marketing – anything else you might need.

      You can email me at Alanzo at Alanzos Blog dot Com.

      And anyone else who may need anything. Let me know.


  5. What go around come around. Its your turn DM. Lets see a mutiny start real soon please.

    Change nothing Davie, keep going you are so right, show us all. 😉

  6. Hey all. Anyone still actually gullible enough to fall for buying that worn out drivel that CO$ dishes out as ‘smear material’ ? You GO for it Dani &Tami.

    The ‘straight up and vertical’ Golden (trees) Of Knowledge/ Tech (GAK / GAT), is and was intended to be, nothing more than the carefully concealed para$itic creations of it’s originator, David Miscavige. It has no other actual purpose, than to suck the blood and life from anyone/thing, that comes into contact with it’s ever predatory vines and tenuous grip.

    Unfortunately, Dani & Tami, who showed the temerity to actually question Church of $camology, triggered the ‘fight’ response of the parasite, with the usual, predictable dirty, venomous poison it spits out at all and sundry, who it (DM) sees as a threat to its (his) continued extortion racket.

    The ‘Lumber Guys’ (attorneys of Debbie Cook, Monique and Marty Rathbun, Luis Garcia, the Corbett’s, and dozens of others, and now joined by the attorneys of Dani & Tami Lamberger!) have all taken/are taking turns with their axes to hack away at the THICK (thick with lies, that is) trunk base, of this alien, abominable para$itic destroyer of it’s ‘host’, the original workable philosophy and auditing technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

    Of course, what has really frustrated all the efforts, to terminate the ‘alien’, earlier, have been the combined efforts of the formidable ‘fencing guys’ (defense attorneys), and the ‘landmine guys’ (OSA and ‘dirty tricks’ operations), backed by the enormous fraudulently obtained resources of the International A$$ociation of Scientologists. IAS (I Am $cientology!!) which have largely neutralized, or at least, slowed attempts to halt the lurching, mon$trous para$ite

    Hang in there, Dani &Tami. ‘The Lumber (Lamberger? 🙂 ) Guys’ are now far better equipped, to bring down this monstrosity. Eventually, all it is going to take, is that final, devastating well placed whack (Key ‘pivotal truth’ element), and gravity ( preponderous jurisprudence), and we will all hear that long overdue, ominously loud CRACKKK-ing sound, followed by the warning shout of: ……..”TIMBERRRR!!!!” then …the sickening CRRRRRUUUUNNNCHHHHHHH-hhhhh…. h… …to signal it’s all over…. !!

    The once rampant ‘straight up & vertical’ para$ite… now DOWN, HORIZONTAL, & OUT!

    Yesssssss! (to Karma, one truly relentless lady!) (punching the air!) 🙂

  7. Confidential auditing information disclosed for whatever reason is a major betrayal, As an auditor in the sixties and seventies i always gave a commitment to my PC’S that any data given would be safeguarded by the church. { Priest Penitence was even written on the folders in those days }
    If OSA or any other teminal has broken this trust i feel sorry for them. The probability is that they will, without any assistance from others, cause themselves to forever be stuck in a hell of their own creation. In your own interests put it right, do your conditions and amends, as you know not what you risk. David

    • Hi FDJ,
      If you had read HCOPL 23 December 1965 – which is referenced, amongst other places, in the 1974 OEC Volume (HCO Division), and in the 1976 book ‘Modern Management Terminology Defined’ – you would have seen that those categorized as “SPs” are “not protected by the codes” of Scientology. This includes the Auditors Code.
      That “SPs” should “have no rights” is policy going back to 1965.
      And before the invention of the term “SP,” and before it became official policy, similar views could be found in writings going back as far as 1951.
      This is an old problem in Scientology. Let’s face it completely and eliminate it completely.

      • MODERATOR:

        You are doing it again. We have allowed your comment purely for the exercise of exposing your insistent op-terming and denigration of LRH by taking his tech totally out of context and trying to blame him for the current state of affairs in the church (RCS). For you to start your response to FDJ “If you had read…….” is an insult. You don’t know this person, and your assumption that he/she is unversed or untrained in LRH tech and now needs a lesson from you is not on.

        In virtually all subjects and studies in the field of mental health it is broadly recognised and acknowledged that a certain percentage of the population who, by their actions and behaviour characteristics, are “anti-social Psychopaths”. LRH codified these anti-social traits – there are 12 of them, and he clearly states that an SP displays ALL or the majority of these traits. He also states that one has to look at the “social characteristics” of the person as well in order to get a balanced view. In all the recent declares, this has clearly NOT been done. How can an OT8 get all the way the bridge and be declared an SP? By this very fact, DM is admitting that his GAT1 and GAT2 alterations to the tech are useless.

        It is an almost 100% certainty that everyone declared SP under the current (DM) regime are in fact NOT SP. This is DM’s version of an SP which is NOT LRH. Anyone who disagrees with DM’s mismanagement of the church, violation of LRH tech or questions “Command Intention” (i.e. DM) is an SP. LRH is very clear on this point – wherever one finds plenty people being declared SP, look for the person doing it because HE is the REAL SP. This makes DM the SP – not the people he is declaring.

        So no, this is not an “old problem” in Scientology – it is a FACT that there are REAL SP’s out there deserving of that label. Accordingly, such people should have no rights as they are a danger to society and should be removed therefrom until handled. In Scientology, they are expelled from the Church. In the field of Psychiatry, they are incarcerated in mental homes and fed mind-altering drugs and/or given ECT until they become zombies.

        You are constantly trying to throw LRH under the bus because of DM’s VIOLATION OF LRH POLICY. This is wrong-target. Interestingly, habitually seeking the wrong target just happens to be one of the traits of an SP.

        This is you LAST WARNING. If you make one more comment on this forum in an attempt to unfairly wrong-target LRH’s tech as a reason for what is going on in the current RCS, you will be permanently banned from this blog.

      • Moderator. Boggle/BVOrts/Zapper, is relentless and quite unwavering in his ‘mission’. By predictably showing up here, (on cue), as he invariably does, shows he is only obeying ‘orders.’ His minions (support base) have left their DNA behind, for positive tracing as well. (Btw, we watch you too!) Face it, minions, you’re caught in a horrible nightmare! DM’ed if you DO! And DM’ed if you DON’T. DM feed’s off your toil either way!

      • First, I wish to congratulate and offer my humble gratitude to the Lemberger’s and the Corbett’s for having the guts, determination and focus to take on the corporate church.

        MODERATOR: Maggie, we have redacted the rest of your comment as it has no relevance to this article and is off-topic. We have already addressed this and do not want to further engage Boggle/BV on this issue.

        Thank you for your ack to the Lambergers and Corbett’s.

      • Moderator wrote:
        “We have allowed your comment purely for the exercise of exposing your insistent op-terming and denigration of LRH by taking his tech totally out of context and trying to blame him for the current state of affairs in the church (RCS)…it is a FACT that there are REAL SP’s out there deserving of that label. Accordingly, such people should have no rights as they are a danger to society and should be removed therefrom until handled.

        Thank you for the above spot-on observations.

        Boggle/BV/Zapper was no doubt alluding to the reference in *Science of Survival* (where he wrote “going back as far as 1951”) regarding what should be done with those who are a danger to society. This is a good example of your point about taking the tech out of context. In that same passage LRH makes it clear that the solution now, with the advent of Dianetics, is to process such people!

        He also wrote the following in the same book:

        “This is the basic law of the contagion of aberration. Entheta will enturbulate theta. Misemotion will change emotion into misemotion. Poor communication will change good communication into poor communication. Poor reality will change good reality into poor reality. The engrams in a case enturbulate theta into the entheta of secondaries and locks.”

        So thanks again, for perceiving the difference between constructive criticism and entheta which serves no purpose, and between misguided “protest” and protest for the sake justice – which is what the Lembergers are doing – and is theta!

        Thanks also to the posters here who are spreading theta out into the world. I would like to join all of you in congratulating the Lembergers on the tremendous good they are doing daily at their center – and now on their courage to say NO to suppression in spite of the risk to do so against such a ruthless suppressor. Awesome. ❤

    • It’s difficult to describe something as confidential that has been reviewed by over 200 people (per corporate Scientology’s own account of the number of people who reviewed Laura Decrescenzos supposedly private auditing files). That this information makes it’s way into a pubic forum should be expected by anyone who undertakes corporate Scientology auditing.

    • You have the right to moderate the comments however you wish. I recognize that fact.

      I don’t understand how my comment was deemed off topic and censored while mireeill’ss comment is ok even though they both deal with the same topic and facts. 8c nd not off the topic only becausr it supports you view while mine suggested that that there are merrits to both positions. though they both addressed the exact same subject – SP’S, LRH’S designation of SP’s, and how they should be treated. I absolutely agree that SP’s exist. But I believe we are capable of discussing their treatment

      • Smokey – this is the first comment from you – we cannot find any other comments – pending, moderated or otherwise.

  8. I hate to be negative, but surely the reality is that if you’re wanting still-ins to be aware of what’s happening, they’re not reading anything. If you want to hit RCS financially they’ll just do more fundraising to pay for the settlement. It’s a pretty slick operation really if you’re cynical. I’ve chatted to a few people about the M&G article – those in know absolutely nothing about it and just rave about all their wins from SRD.
    Did you hear about the guy who had a win at work and it was all because of the SRD, and the guy who had a loss at work and it was all about his personal out-ethics?. How can this f’ing organisation lose?

    • Sean, give it a little time. The M&G article is only a few days old – there are many who are disseminating it, and you will be surprised to know how many “IN” guys lurking on the fringes are fully aware, secretly reading the internet and keeping current with state of affairs. They are just heavily UTR at this time.

      “The wheels of justice grind so slowly, but they grind in ever tightening circles”. There is more coming, and soon the Church will NOT be able to hide anymore – media have woken up and are sniffing, and pretty soon there is going to be in-your-face exposure that cannot be ignored.

      Those that are still in and choose to continue to “not know” must be prepared to go down with the ship. It’s no longer a case of IF the ship sinks, it’s now a case of WHEN.

  9. Ideal lawsuits have expanded by 47X!!!
    An unprecedented rate of expansion thanks to GATI and II and COB’s tireless work to create such an effect.

    if money is the only thing you want, then only money is what you get.

    btw in regards to dealing with OSA bots. bare in mind tables can be turned. their eagerness to snoop can be used against them, honeypots can be designed to draw them in, where they can then be either exposed, toyed with or used to carry carefully crafted misinformation back to the Queen Bee. there is a lot of potential there for a creative, motivated person, legally and ethically.

  10. There is always a period of time after leaving the coercive cult environment of the Church of Scientology where your thinking has to adjust back to recognizing your own self-interests again, and realizing that your own self-interests are not evil.

    And that you have a legal and civil right to them.

    This is very unfortunate because, for a lot of Scientologists, legal statutes of limitations expire before they wake up to realize that a lot of the abuse they suffered, and the lies they were told to steal their money and labor from them, were actually against the law, and criminal and civil actions could have been taken against the Church to right the scales of justice.

    Well-publicized and broadly discussed lawsuits like the Garcias’, Laura DeCrescenzo’s – and now the Lembergers’ – serve to speed up that awakening process in recent escapees from Scientology, and to help other Scientologists realize that they have legal rights in our society to NOT be fraudulently coerced and unduly influenced and criminally abused by Scientology.

    Western civilization recognizes the civil rights of individuals, and uses the power of the courts to protect those rights from spiritually exploitative criminals like the Church of Scientology. In the wog world, unlike in the Church of Scientology, you DO have recognized legal rights and the recourse to justice.

    Leaders like Debbie Cook, and the Garcias, and Laura DeCrescenzo, and now the Lembergers should not be out there fighting the Church alone.

    Any recent escapee from the cult of Scientology should look at how their self-interests have been abused in Scientology, recognize that they have civil rights as individuals, and seek out legal representation as soon as possible. All criminal and civil legal actions need to be taken by any who have standing to do so.

    Only then will the abuses of Scientology ever be stopped.

    When it comes to lawsuits like the Lembergers’ and others from former Church members against the criminality, fraud and abuse of Scientology, let a million flowers bloom.

    Well done, Dani Lemberger.

    You are truly a leader.


  11. Another Law Suit – Great!
    This is such a break through – to think at one time we would have
    cringed at the thought of anyone threatening to SUE the Church!

    I really do believe that there will come a time when we all stand
    together and Sue the Church and make a hole in the money making
    machine and bleed the Church dry by using the Law to investigate
    the corruption!

    We know the Jugular is coming into view and we will go for it!

    DM has underestimated that Honest People Have RIGHTS!

  12. Dear friends at Back In Comm,
    Your post is generous and shows true care and support. Tami and I are proud to have you as friends. We’d love to hear from you in person at: I would also like to thank all those who have commented.
    At Dror Center we have huge achievements and wins applying the Tech as developed by Ron. There is no doubt the Tech works miracles when delivered for the pc’s benefit, and when only what the pc needs is in mind. We do it daily, no fail. We now have people coming from Russia, Europe and the US because they want to have fun and wins, the way LRH intended.
    The lawsuit exposes DM’s crimes and his perversion of Ron’s legacy. I think you will have the full text of it within a few days. It should make for some good reading.
    Love and gratitude to all, Dani & Tami

    • Thanks Dani & Tami,
      We at BIC want to thank you both – it’s a brave move, and you have truth on your side.
      Thanks for all you are doing to keep the tech alive, winning and flourishing.

  13. Listen, I mean read. As a civilization we have evolved above “hate crimes”. In the U.S. there are heavy penalties attached to crimes which are referenced as hate crimes. Purposes to “harm, attack, suppress, deliver an effective blow, fair game, deprive of rights..etc etc” these have been outlawed. Hate crimes have been outlawed in the U.S., possibly other countries.

    Yet you see the recent ambush at L.A. airport of Marty. This is a hate crime. What is being done in Israel to these two people, is a hate crime.

    When / if you leave the Church of Scientology, you are considered suppressive. Whether you blew or wandered off. You are condemned in one way or another, overtly or covertly. If you become aggressive with your civil rights to speak of your experiences, you will become hated and opposed, and hate crimes against you will be condoned. If not hatched out and carried out by the Church’s Central Intelligence Agency , Office of “Special Affairs”.

    Dani and Tami have every right, if not a duty, to bring attention to such hate crimes in progess that aligns with “Office of Special Affairs” current purposes. Which is to program out and carry out hate crimes.

    As one evolves, one acquires rights. It starts with rights as human being, then rights as a family member, rights as a citizen, etc etc. Before we every became involved in Scientology, we had rights. It is one thing for the Church to expect people to surrender their rights as a Scientologist in “good standing with the Church”, when they leave. But the Church assumes also that if you leave, you should lose all of your rights. Right down to your rights as a human being. But the Church never granted those rights. They were ours before we got involved and they are granted by others. Not for the Church to take away or trample on.

    Dani, Tami, and everyone else, has a right is not a duty, to hold onto, protect and defend their other rights.

  14. Dear Tami & Dani,
    Wow. Good for you! All my support and love as you guys head into battle – I am sure I speak on behalf of many that you have the full support and backing of us here in South Africa facing a similar scene.

    Pretty soon the Church is going to run out of resources to put all these fires out – as soon as they think they’ve got one under control, yet another one pops up. And there are more to come. We are not done – not by a long shot.

    If we all band together and continue to insist on our rights and restitution for the crimes against us, this will create a domino effect. Others will join in and the whole house of cards will come down.

    What amuses me the most here (and all others should take heed) is that the Church is going to be using OUR money to defend themselves against us – that point should be noted by people wanting to sue for their donations etc back – we never ever gave them permission to use our donated money for litigation against us. This alone makes them guilty of fraud or mismanagemenbt of donated funds because I certainly never attended or donated at ANY fundraiser which announced that they would be using our donations to defend themselves against “bitter defrocked apostates”. (i.e. us and other unfairly declared people).

    • Shelly that irony is felt somewhat bitterly in a way for me..Ille explain. Back then I had no money, only time and dedication. My years on staff I made many Scientologists and no less than 6 staff members. Two of those are still there, flag indocked to despise anyone who decides against DM. Thats me for sure! So these two whom I helped and recruited are now helping the church survive and fight against people like me, the once good suddenly turned bad or evil! I gave the church gifts that keep on slaving. That irks me no end somehow.

      It gladens my heart knowing the Corbetts and the Dror mission guys are taking the church on and exposing them. Thank you, all of you!

  15. Dear Tami and Dani,

    Very good. I do hope you do not take any help/advice from those two people that are pretending to be on the Independent Scientologist side. They have changed the independent name into indie. They have destroyed a good chance we had we Debbie Cook by changing the OFF POLICY story on a beating story. That put Debbie reputation down the drain but that e-mail waked up many Scientolgist. This is my opinion but it is also a fact.

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